Major news in e-Transport, from July 1: The system is massively expanding, with new types of transport that will have to be reported22 April 2024

The application of the e-Transport system would be significantly expanded starting in July, as it appears from a draft order, still in the approval process at ANAF, by which the institution adds new categories of consumer products to the list of risky ones for which reports must be made in the national road transport monitoring system. The month of July represents an important moment in the development and expansion of e-Transport, considering that, from then on, other novelties become effective that further expand the area of road transport monitoring.
The project recently published by ANAF in public debate (available here, in .zip file) proposes that, from July 1, 2024, the list of risky products targeted for monitoring through the e-Transport system be completed with another nine categories of goods. Thus, on the existing list of goods with fiscal risk, which currently includes eight product categories, another nine types of goods considered with high fiscal risk would be introduced, for which companies will have to declare the movement in advance and obtain the unique UIT code to put it on the transport documents.
Among the new types of products that will have to be reported in e-Transport from 1 July are, among others, a number of consumer goods: meat and edible offal (CN codes 0201 to 0210), fish and crustaceans (codes CN 0302, 0304, 0306), milk, milk products, eggs, honey and other edible products of animal origin (CN codes 0401 to 0407 and 0409), as well as several types of tobacco and tobacco substitutes, including waste tobacco, extracts or essences (CN code 2401 and CN 2403).
Also, other categories of goods would be added to the list of risky goods from a fiscal point of view: mineral fuels and mineral oils (CN codes: 2710 19 66, 2710 19 99, etc.), soaps and washing preparations (CN codes: 3403 19 10 and 3403 19 80), products of the chemical industry (CN code 3814 00 90), but also used and worn textile articles (entire chapter CN 6309).
These are not the only changes expected in the coming period for the e-Transport system. In another draft order (, put up for public debate a few months ago, and which has yet to be neither approved nor withdrawn, ANAF also proposed a series of optimizations to the system’s operating procedure -Transportation, including rules to allow confirmation of data declared by operators, as well as changes in the process of automatic verification of transports.
The changes imposed by these two projects seem to strengthen the monitoring and control in the field of transport and are in line with expansion trends already outlined in the development of the national road surveillance system. In this sense, even the date of July 1 itself coincides with the time when the other extension of the reporting obligations, already formalized, this time targeting international freight transport, will be effectively implemented.
We remind you that, since December, the authorities have imposed on companies, through GEO no. 115/2023, to obtain UIT codes for all international shipments of goods, which transit the territory of Romania, regardless of what types of goods are transported. The obligation, although it entered into force immediately, was nevertheless timed so that the penalty regime for its violation would apply approximately six months later – from 1 July 2024, thus giving companies a period of time to adapt internal procedures to comply with new requirements.
Furthermore, Ordinance 115 additionally required transport operators to equip their vehicles with satellite positioning devices and ensure the monitoring of the vehicle’s positioning data throughout the route. For the same purpose, vehicle drivers have the obligation to turn on the positioning devices before starting the transport on the national territory and to turn it off after the delivery or after leaving the territory of Romania. And for these obligations, the compliance deadline is also January 1, 2024, but the sanctions only apply from the beginning of July.