Stronger TogetherNovember 15, 2022

We have chosen to join the Narada cause in their endeavour to make Romanian Schools safe by investing in infrastructure solutions, furniture, technology and more.
Narada has been investing in education for more than 4 years and this year alone together with good people, they invested over 2 million Lei in schools in Romania, money that gave access to a modern education possible for 60 thousand children.
Year after year, the people at Narada work to be better and better, to get even closer to the children who need them so much. In 2023, they want to double the impact already created, and by the end of 2030 to reach a positive impact on over 500 thousand students in Romania.
Well, in 2022 they have succeeded on:
• Solve more than 200 educational alerts via HartaEdu
• To bring impact in over 163 schools via HartaEdu
• To invest over 2,000,000 lei in education
• To reach over 60,000 impacted students via HartaEdu and Naradix
Numbers sound good, and many use them to highlight efficiency. For us there are actually other figures that attract our attention because, further on, they are:
• 1.2 million students studying in schools with inadequate infrastructure;
• 42% of the buildings where schools operate are located in areas with high seismic risk;
• ¼ of the schools in Romania, mainly in rural areas, use stoves as the main source of heating;
• 11 educational institutions in Romania have collapsed over students in classes in the last 10 years;
But they cannot intervene on these problems alone, they need us, they need the good people.
We stand with them by redirecting the 20% of the income/profit tax and we invite you to join the cause that we have chosen to support.
This year we have the unique opportunity to redirect not only the 20% of the tax for the year 2022, but also to direct the remaining budget to 2021, if it has not already been fully redirected.
To redirect the 20% from 2021, only 2 simple steps are required:
1. Completing Declaration 177 that you submit online to ANAF by December 25, 2022
2. Signing a sponsorship contract according to the amount written in the declaration
To redirect the 20% from 2022, the following steps are required:
1. Signing a sponsorship contract with the Narada Association
2. Payment to the Narada account by December 31, 2022 of the amount described in the contract
You can find more information about Narada and their projects at